The Panorama program clearly implied that it was Muslims who need to stop thinking of 'them and us' in order to integrate better. I totally agree with this. But it needs to be a two-way street and also very much applies to non-Muslims.
In New Zealand, I have experienced an absolutely extraordinary stand-offish attitude from Pakeha Kiwi non-Muslims who suspect or hear rumours that I might be Muslim. As I mentioned previously, the 'Cone of Silence' is rigorously applied and possibly contentious subjects are avoided at all costs. Any social talk is severely curtailed and trust is quite obviously in short supply. This is in stark contrast to the UK where I have found people will at least engage in conversation and ask questions.
So, 'Houston we have a problem'. In NZ it is absolutely a 'them and us' situation, instigated, and promulgated by Kiwis for Kiwis... Even if we're not quite sure who 'they' are, but we suspect they might possibly be different. Best not talk to them, Eh.
Integration? Forget it - we're fighting a losing battle.
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As Pogo said (in a different context) ... |
Sadly, the vast majority of my fellow New Zealander's have absolutely no knowledge about Islam whatever. What they do have is an uninformed vague idea that it is a religion of peace, which is being hijacked by a minority. The Qur'an teaches exactly this:"That Muslims are taught to think of themselves as separate, different, better than non-Muslims". And in an effort to understand why the UK is now suffering from increasing dhimmitude (although not recognized as such), the policy is to view the Muslim population as "'oppressed' and 'voiceless' victims", legitimizing the spending of vast amounts of cash by the government in various support programs. Under such circumstances, so-called integration is not possible, or even sought by certain Islamic communities. Back in NZ, ignorance is married to suppressed xenophobia, mixed with overwhelming political correctness. When will NZ people start to really think about this? And inform themselves?